2014-2015 Project: Walling Our Breezeway

Meredith & John Haas
11 Spring Valley Drive, Grantham, New Hampshire 03753

It is the fall of 2014. We have decided to wall in our "breezeway" (a covered walkway from our house to our garage) to provide protection from winter snows. Our concept is to have sliding/French doors and windows to admit daylight and outside air. Six-foot wide doors will allow open passage from the driveway side to the back yard. Tempered glass should protect windows and doors from ice and snow impact. Cement siding (like the house) should protect the exterior walls from excessive moisture from melting snow. No insulation is needed but there should be adequate ventilation to prevent moisture damage. Thus, we need screens for all openings: windows, doors and vents. The structure (roof, posts, floor and footings) of the existing breezeway is in good condition and should require no modification.

Planform Sketch of Breezeway

Breezeway Plan View
Plan View
Breezeway West Elevation

Breezeway early construction
Early construction looking east towards driveway, garage on left with old blue door that was removed.
Breezeway roof construction
Early construction looking west from driveway, garage on right.
Breezeway finished
Finished breezeway, looking east towards driveway, metal rooves installed, new doors into house and garage.